Let me introduce you to someone:
This is Tim (Hi Tim)
Tim is my brother, and also a winnipeg photographer head over heels in love with film - and his new Mamiya RB45!
(Not going to lie, i'm a little jealous too!)
What makes Tim so special? Well every monday evening he picks me up and we wander the streets of Winnipeg for about oh 4 or 5 hours. Yeah, we're that intense!
So with one Hassleblad, one Mamiya, one Konica, one Minolta, two Canons, one Nikon, about a thousand rolls of film and too many lenses to carry, we hit the streets!
We always venture through different areas of the city capturing what ever we feel like. Sometimes we have assignments to cover, an idea to explore or a theme we want to express, but we always keep it changing!
There's no such thing as going too far for the shot. Last week Tim balanced out onto a log floating in the river basically coming to a near fall for "the perfect image". The week before he waded into the muddy banks of the Assiniboine River and got down on his stomach for "the perfect image". And the week before that I sprained my wrist trying to keep up with him as he climbed over fences and scaled the tall buildings of The Exchange district, yet again for "the perfect shot"
His passion and dedication to his camera is taking him on a cross-Canada tour this summer; from the East Coast to the West coast and all the thousands of images in between. (Insert jealousy here)
Together we've spent hours dissecting art in its many forms and always pushing each other to the next level. Our time spent together as bonding as it is never fails to be educational. I am always learning something new whenever we talk. And i'm happy to know that i've taught him some things too (Ohhh yes, we've had film development and darkroom parties galore!) We both unger for knowledge and love learning more and more about art. His level of commitment to his art inspires me to be better, to shoot more and to strive for greater. In fact i'd say the greatest advice i've learned from him so far is to always be shooting... there are no days off in photography!
Tim is a fabulously intellectual artist with enough creativity to last him a million lifetimes!
It's my honour and pleasure to be able to shoot with Winnipeg's most unknown greatest artists... that is, unknown for now at least ;)
Watch out world!
Here comes Tim!!!
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